About Us

Hell’s Kitchen Conservation Corps. (HKCC) is a citizen stewardship group dedicated to a greener and more resilient community through supporting wildlife habitat, using native and regionally adapted plants for stormwater management, and providing environmental education opportunities through grassroots volunteer projects and stewardship events.

Our Mission

Rewild public parks and tree pits with native plants for biodiversity, enhanced community experience and climate resiliency.

Our Approach

We take a Human Connection First approach to tree care, park stewardship, and habitat restoration in the public realm. We value partnerships with block associations, citizen stewards and other stakeholders. Together, we share resources, set project priorities and define project goals. We engage our stewards to deliver the projects, including general site cleanup, planting, soil aeration, mulching, and ongoing maintenance, weeding, watering and other practices required to help our native plants strive.

More Information

For more information about Hell’s Kitchen Conservation Corps. or any of our events, please email hkconservancy@gmail.com